Notice PPP451-75002-121 !

From: PɑyPɑl Depɑrtement <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2017 15:19:33 +0100



 Dear Customer.

 We recently blockede your membership from accessing certain community
and social features due to multiple failed login attempts.

 In order to protect from any possible abuse, we send you an email when
we notice unusual sign-in activity from a different location or device
than normal. Usually, we ask you to complete one or more identity
verification tasks to reactivate your account. For your convenience,
we always list the steps to remove the limitation in the Resolution

Access the Resolution Center

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These tags should be unique for every single page on your site, and
they should give search engine users an accurate idea of what to expect
if they click through to your page.

 Google says that meta descriptions don’t play a role in search engine
rankings, but optimizing them is still extremely important for bringing
qualified traffic to your site.

 These descriptions are what users look at when they’re trying to
decide which result to click on. So if yours is more compelling than
other results on the page, you could get visitors even if there are
other pages outranking yours for a given keyword.

 So now that you know why meta descriptions matter, I’ll go over three
basic tips to help you best optimize the descriptions on your site.

 First, you should always aim to keep your meta descriptions 155
character or less.

 Although meta descriptions can technically be up to 160 characters,
they sometimes get cut short in search results. So if you keep them to
155 or less, you don’t’ have to worry about users not seeing your full
description and not fully understanding why they should click through
toy our page.

 And if you’re worried about character count, there are plenty of tools
online that will count the characters in your descriptions to make sure
they’re the perfect length for results.
Received on Sat Jun 24 2017 - 16:19:38 CEST

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